ICI 2025 - Student Application Form Applicant's Name * First Name Last Name Applicant's Email * Applicant's Phone Number * Country (###) ### #### Are you an ICI Alum? If so, please specify what year(s) you attended ICI Alums are awarded a $150 scholarship towards their final tuition Applicant's Birthdate * MM DD YYYY Pronouns Applicant's Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Parent or Guardian's Name * If the applicant is under 18 years old, they must fill out all of the following parent/guardian fields. If the applicant is over 18 years old and wishes to leave out their parent/guardian information, they must still fill out these fields with their own information. First Name Last Name Relation to Applicant * Parent or Guardian's Email * Parent or Guardian's Phone Number * Country (###) ### #### Parent or Guardian's Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Primary Cello Teacher/Professor's Name * First Name Last Name Primary Cello Teacher/Professor's Email * Primary Cello Teacher/Professor's Phone Number (###) ### #### Education * Please list information regarding your educational background for the past five years (specify institutions and years attended if applicable) Audition Video. Link 1 * Applicants are required to submit videos recorded within the last twelve (12) months. YouTube or Google Drive Link Only (for Google Drive links, make sure that "anyone with the link" has access) Audition Video. Link 2 * Applicants are required to submit videos recorded within the last twelve (12) months. YouTube or Google Drive Link Only (for Google Drive links, make sure that "anyone with the link" has access) Audition Video. Link 3 * Applicants are required to submit videos recorded within the last twelve (12) months. YouTube or Google Drive Link Only (for Google Drive links, make sure that "anyone with the link" has access) Personal Statement Video * Submit a short video telling us about yourself, your musical goals, and why you would like to attend ICI. Keep the video under 2 minutes Emergency Contact * First Name Last Name Relation to Applicant * Emergency Contact's Email * Emergency Contact's Phone Number * (###) ### #### Would you like to be considered for a need-base scholarship? * Although this question is related to need-based financial aid, keep in mind this is NOT the official financial aid application. If you answer "yes", you MUST submit a financial aid application separately at: https://www.internationalcelloinstitute.com/ici-2025-financial-aid-application (copy link and open in browser). Yes No Additional materials Feel free to share additional videos that showcase other strengths of your musicianship Thank you! If you are submitting a scholarship application, click on this link: